Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nasty Parents I

I tot I had better pen down the types of nasty parents encountered in my course of work so that in time to come, I can look and think back of how 'far' I have come ...haha
a) Parents who insist that we pay for the torn t-shirt of the child who sat on the floor while waiting, and leaned against the wall, and brush against a hook.
b) Parents who insist that the coach apologised to the child as he claimed that the coach 'threw' the racket and hurt his thumb.
c) Parents who threaten to complain to higher authorities cos we didn't reply his email
d) Parents who demand to see another child who has 'unintendedly' hurt his child (cos, children do chase and fall are inevitable)
e) Parents who demand to see the other child's parents cos the child hurt his child
f) Parents who complain that the child was 'delayed' and thus have shorter reccesses.
and many more ....

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