Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Not Easy

It is not easy to be parents, esp when your spouse just 'contradict' the way you want to educate your child. I learnt before that both parents must "stand together on the same side" when disciplining the child but I am always blamed for 'losing my temper' when I am not. Is it wrong to reprimand your child 'irresponsible when he just play day in and day out without putting in effort to do assigned homework?'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 years ago, I would find your actions familiar :)
2 years on, if you ask me, there is no right or wrong. Put all factors aside, what is your priority in life for the child? What is the most important thing you want out of the child? Once you have an answer or at least when you prioritise, you will have an answer. Remember, at the end of the day, he is a child and every child is born different and some things are beyond control.

Having said that, things beyond control is an excuse and as parents we try to help the child where we can, and if we can. I am sure the child does not wish for that to happen as well. But when that happens, trust that there is a path for him in life. Ten years down the road, when you look back (and I hope too when I look back),you realise all your actions had been rather silly. Think positive :)

Little rain :))