Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Book 1

I am reading this book by Pat Williams and Karyn Williams - THE TAKEAWAY : 20 Unforgettable Lessons Every Father should Pass on to his Child. Thou some of the lessons do not resonate with me as there is mention of faith but most of the lessons do .... Here they are
1. Wear Your Seat Belt 2. Enjoy Your Life 3. Be Good to People 4. Take Care of your Body
5. Exercise Your mind 6. Date to Live Big 7. There are no Giants out there 8. The World will take care of the Jerks 9. Make good decisions 10, Choose your friends wisely 11. Does he/she make you a better person? 12. Be the man/woman you want to be!
Thou it may seem late that I learnt them now...I hope it is not too late to pursue some myself in this lifetime.

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