Saturday, April 23, 2011

Can I be more 勇敢?

This is a very nice song ...I like it very much.
很多事情不是谁说了就算 即使伤心结果还是自己担
多少次失望表示着多少次期盼 事实证明幸福很难
我们之间不是谁说了就算 拉扯的爱徒增结局的难堪
一百次相爱只要有一次的绚烂 下一次会更勇敢

当冬夜渐暖 当大海也不再那么蓝
当月色的纯白变得阴暗 那只是代表快乐不再那么简单
那只是因为悲伤从来 都不会有答案

1 comment:

Ah Kin said...

Yes you can be more 勇敢. It's not easy and sometimes it takes certain events to bring that courage out. I guess s'times we are too worried about how others would think about us, how we are being judged by others etc. It's not easy not to think about it. We have just one life and that's it. So what are you going to do with it? At least in the next 20 years? I'm still searching......