Monday, September 12, 2011

This song tugs my heart when I heard it for the first time. The very beautifully written lyrics just resonate so much with how I was feeling at this very moment.

Thank you, Vae for singing this so so touching song.

想象之中付出会有结果 毫无保留信奉你的承诺
想象之中这次要爱很久 我领略过你眼里的温柔 ...

热烈以后你忽然的冰冻 判若两人丢给我去承受
想象中 很不同 想象中 一切都和后来不同
我承认 曾经那么心动

你没想象中那么恋旧 回忆唤不回你的温柔
最后也不是故作冷漠 转过头我怎么有一滴泪落
我没想象中那么脆弱 分开后形容也没消瘦
一起踏过了几座春秋 领悟了爱不是追逐占有

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