Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Last Lecture, by Dr Randy Pausch

My wife bought this book, as she has some monies to utilise before end of FY. I read it first, and was so touched and moved, that I finished it within a few days, considering that I am not really an avid reader. Achieving childhood dreams is what I am currently pursuing. Sometimes, I know it is very silly of me cos somehow, I know it is sort of impossible but then, I just can't let go...
Had wanted to pen down some tots about the book but never got down to it cos I have been reading quite a fair bit lately - The Heart of Success by Dr Rob Parsons, and a series of Learning Organisation books by David Hutchens.
My friend, Ah Kin posted a link on her blog, and I come I didn't know about the power of YouTube. The link below captures the entire lecture that Dr Pausch delivered in April 2008 and he passed away three months later (I only knew now as I was hoping that a miracle will happen to him when I was reading the book). He has shared some life lessons which I will remember. Thank You.

Sometimes, inspirational videos like the one below (Don't Quit) do lift us up when we feel down, however at the end of the day, we must remember to get back to reality and move on. That's life.

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