Monday, January 4, 2010

$500 Poorer

I will be $500 poorer becoz
i) I wasn't careful when I drove that day and knocked into another car in a carpark on the second day of 2010 ...what a way to start the year?!
ii) I am disadvantaged, I was told ...but still can pursue if I wanna - cos, the other party didn't on her headlights in a relatively dark car park.
iii) I hope to keep my 50% NCD so that my insurance payment is lower

I found it strange when the other party demanded that it was my mistake ...and then when i was told that the repair costs for his car is more than a $1,500, I said we take it to insurance settlement, then he brought up re NCD ..and negotiate to settle off-hand. I told him that I am not prepared to pay that amount. He asked for my 'budget'? I should have said $100 (haha) ...anyway, I said $500 (cos a prelim 'quote' from my agent whom I described the incident and the damage done to the driver's door - $600/$700)....He said he will check if the driver (whom he loaned the car to) agree to pay some $$...anyway, he responded OK to the $500.
I suspect he just want to get some monies to 'buy a new car'....sigh...but forget it lah, take it as a lesson for me. My car damages would have cost much more...but I should be getting a new car lor since the damage has been done.

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