Sunday, January 31, 2010

After 40

Rightfully, men at 40 are at their prime, be it career wise or family wise...and hopefully, health wise too....cos, usually illness will set in ...*shivers* This feeling is worse, when one received news regarding the various types of insurance shields... and the word - elder - is tagged to it ...haha
I also received on Sat, a letter from MINDEF informing me that I will no longer be liaible for NS and that I may dispose all my NS uniform and PE (helmet, SBO etc...).... a tinge of sadness sank in ... I am no longer needed to 'defend' my country (as if I... haha) anymore. It certainly bring to a closure of the memories of my NS and reservist days.
While I am glad to see the kids growing and progressing, career wise - as it seems fine but ... am sure can be better (again, thou shall not be discontented). Health wise, aside the minor flus and sneezes and the occasional pain (prob due to oesteoporosis), generally seems ok ...certainly, i must say that my physique is at my 'peak' compared to the 20s and 30s...haha...

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