Saturday, March 20, 2010

Earn more, Spend more?

Most of you would agree with me that people who earn more tend to spend more, or vice versa, they have spent more, thus, need to work longer hours/harder to earn more ..and the 'vicious' cycle. If I only earn that much, I will refrain from getting branded stuff for myself, visiting expensive restaurants, going to expensive/branded hair salons and so on. That is different for celebrities, they may earn more and they certainly spend more ... to look good ...they can't be possibly seen wearing baleno or giordano for that matter, instead they should be donning zara, AX and so on. There are certainly another breed of thrifts who earn big bucks but spend little, these are probably the loaders ...really rich! I used to admire people (esp celebrities) who drive big cars, until my wife alerted me - hey, they may be paying through their nose (eg $2K a month) to 'keep' their lexus/mercedes. SO, how do you want to live your life, and how I want to lead my life?

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