Saturday, November 22, 2008

It has been a very hectic week for me....till I almost fall flat

It has never crossed my mind that I can be so so busy on the first week of school holidays that I almost fell flat ... work schedule, work review, staff retreat, staffing meetings, PSLE results, S1 options, P1 orientation, office renovations, ... I was so tired and drained that I just go to sleep when I lie down on the bed, and 'neglecting' my wife... what a way to spend the school week or so, need to submit a report etc...
For me who is new, it is certainly an eye opener but thinking far, I am getting worried cos, when my girl progresses on, can I be there for her if she receives any prizes or when she gets her PSLE results? this the life that I want to lead? I guess it is time to give the matter some thoughts...

1 comment:

Ah Kin said...

Looks like even with a group of admin staff, the work in schools are just endless...even the kids are not spared. Parents will sign up all sorts of enrichment courses for kids, teachers are pushed to meet the school's KPIs and poor students, have to meet parents' expectations and the school's. It's ironic but S'pore kids are a deprived lot - deprived of real childhood and play.