Monday, October 27, 2008

Young Fathers

I have always thought that I look sort of young to be a father, and I am proud of myself for being so ... However, on a train ride yesterday, I saw even younger fathers, don't admit old also cannot. Looking back, I wonder how we made through the children' growing years ... it must have been my wife who 'has been' with the kids since I am not as involved as I try to be....

Also, I realise that one cannot forever try to hide one's age (and look/act young), cos some parts of our body will give us away - neck lines, eye wrinkles, hands ... thus, instead of trying to hide, maybe we should feel glad that 'we have been through it' and be happy that we are wiser and more matured. That way, we can live life more positively.

I was wondering why not so young ladies like to wear scarfs hide their neck lines...hmmm..... I think ample moisturising helps, so, use lotsa moisturer on our skin.

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