Sunday, October 19, 2008

Too old to be a Prince?

Have been reading this particular blog BaGua TV... and there was much discussion on veteran actors vs newbies and Princesses/Princes.

Since young, i have been a big fan of TV, radio, entertainment blitz, ge tai etc... and my mum said that cos when she was pregnant with me then, she watched too much ge tai and thus, i am as such....hmmm.....

How I wish I have an opportunity to work in the entertainment industry but sadly I don't thou I have tried. Again, some may feel that given my 'shy and innocent' personality, that industry is not for me. well, ... this childhood dream of mine lingers on .....

When I watch TV these days, and see the upcoming princes and princesses ...I thought - what if I get the chance and be in the TV will the audience feel about my presence - acting/performance? will there be critiques? .... I am sure there will be ...

**wake-y, wake-y**


Ah Kin said...

Hey cheer up! There are some opportunities out there. You-tube for one and the recent okto also has a platform for you to post your video. So why not start to conceptualize something & capture it on video and send it? It's a start at least albeit a small step :)

Cheeky said...

hmm....i am just too old to do all those stuff ...may make a laughing stock...only way out is to get a lobang and "get straight to the task".

tks for encouraging me, ah kin.