Wednesday, October 22, 2008

She has the luck, I do not ...

Frankly, I don't like her at the first sight. Slowly, I can see her potential and hardwork. No wonder, she is talent spotted - she has the charisma and luck, which many aspiring others, including me, do not have ...


Ah Kin said...

I must say there's a certain air about her long as she doesn't talk. She still needs a few more years to sharpen her skills thou.

Well, luck yes. But if she hadn't went on to participate in some of the courses she has signed up, then it may not have happened at all rite?

Cheeky said...

yes, yes, i tot of signing up for some mediacorp courses too...but once they see my age... they probably will kick me OUT....haha

Thatz why need connection lah...the real world is very pratical one..haha

Ah Kin said...

With $ to earn, i dun see why they will reject students...

Well, ur goal is die die mediacorp or can be theatre works or radio stations?

Cheeky said...

they do screen ...and why choose an old man when there are young ones..anyway...

not die die must be MCTV...but then the others like not very stable lei...tried SAFRA Radio but they din even called me (long long ago lah...)

maybe, i should go join SAFRA and then can ask for posting to the Radio...haha...hmmmmm...........

cos, if one loves the nature of the job, worklife is more fulfilling.