Monday, June 28, 2010


Yes, my car was beautifully repaired so much so that it looks 'brand new' again, following the scrraattcchhhed incident that occured in early June. So, if you need such a 'reconstructor' for your car, try Yee Auto Service at Sin Ming. Block 15, #01-107. Reasonable pricing.
The owner, Mr Chan Kai Yee is really assuring, nice and skillful.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Boss?

I saw this job adv in the website. I know I need to be thankful cos I am in a leadership position thou I know I am not/dun like to be a leader and many of my (ex and current)staff have 'affirmed and appreciated' me for being a good boss. I am grateful.
As a Vice Principal (Administration), you will be one of the key members of the senior management team in the school. You will oversee all non-curriculum areas and help drive strategic planning and ensure efficient management of resources to support the delivery of holistic education. You will also provide leadership to a team of Executive and Administrative Staff to achieve excellence in school administration and operations. You will assist the Principal in the following key areas: • Undertake strategic planning and resource management functions and develop and implement systems for effective school organisation and administration• Oversee the management of human resource, finance, estate, logistical and general administration matters in school • Oversee communication and publicity plan in school and management of public feedback• Management of student affairs including strategic planning for pupil placement and scholarship matters, recruitment and placement of students and administration of student programmes• Plan and drive the implementation of physical and IT infrastructure improvement works and projects• Establish knowledge management structures and system within the school
• A good degree from a reputable university with at least 8 years of experience in a senior management position. Prior experience in strategic planning and financial and human resource management will be an advantage • Passion for education and enjoys interacting with youth and children• Excellent people and leadership skills, with the ability to motivate teams and work well with people at all levels in the organisation• Dynamic and highly driven with strong communication and analytical skills.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One Leg IN

Some people are just lucky. They have more options. Though they are out, but not totally, as one leg is still in. They are still in demand somehow. And they are always welcomed 'home. But not me.


Was feeling a little tired lately.
Not sure why.
Maybe, cos the next school term is starting soon.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back to Reality

Took a short holiday with family abroad - across the causeway last weekend.
It is like a blink of the eye and it's over short - why are holiday/breaks so short while working hours seem so long? I am sure there are some workaholics out there who may think otherwise thou. The frustration part is that my boss can lament that her 10 days (2 consecutive weeks) of leave are so short while I only took 5 days of pocket leave ....and worse, having to go back to discuss work. What to do, she's the boss, I am not. Haha.
Anyway, it is time ... where I am back to reality. I am still here, I have just crossed my 2-year mark in my job. What's next?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cast Me?

Some guys are lucky. This chap in Jolin's Real Man MTV is staging his concert in Taiwan U in July '10 before even releasing any album. WOW ...according to a source, he has to attract 3,000 fans before his album will be released. Am sure he will make it since he is so good looking. Haha
This is a nice song. Will someone want to cast me in their video? Haha

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sleep Early, Sleep Well

Read this recently, as we age, we better make sure we get enough rest and sleep and not our health be ruined. Cheers to good health to all my readers and those who posted comments!
I will be away in KL for holidays over the next couple of days ...Shall be back with more updates.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Song 20 [Canto] :浪子心聲

Not sure why I tend to feel emo in the month of June ... probably it is time of the school hols where I have a bit more time to think thru ...and reflect (this is the term that schools like to use).
Sometimes I feel so vangebond ...haha...and this golden oldie is one that is very close to my heart....and for sure, I will sing it in my 'concert'.
難分真與假 人面多險詐 幾許有共享榮華 簷畔水滴不分差 
無知井裡蛙 徒望添聲價 空得意目光如麻 誰料金屋變敗瓦 
命裡有時終須有 命裡無時莫強求 
雷聲風雨打 何用多驚怕 
心公正白璧無瑕 行善積福最樂也 

Friday, June 11, 2010

To try or to give up

When the going gets tough, do we try (again) or give up?
I used to be very optimistic about my life ... as I age, I am getting fearful that time is not with me anymore... I must act faster but I seem to have lost a little of my passion and stamina.
Lady luck is not with me? Will Uncle Perseverance encourage me?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

To lead or to support?

When we are young, most of us tend to be "aggressive in our career" to want to be boss and perhaps, lead. However, not everyone has the knack to be a good leader.
I am certainly one of them. I just want to support and happy to do so. But as one moves through stages of life, we realise that we cannot afford 'to start all over again'. Thus, only way is to move up...and not everyone is suited to be 'up there' cos it can be lonely and fearful...cos, once we lose our abilities, we tumble and fall.
In life, some of us are destined to be small players or rather playing supportive roles... we should put ourselves in the 'big picture' to see what we do can impact others.
We need to learn to be contented.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I know there are people who doesn't like taiwan idol drama ...they can be unreal, so fairytale-like, and draggy. I feel otherwise, cos those that i have been watching really made me 'sit up' ... I introduced this new drama PS Man some months back. It is still showing in Taiwan. It may seem nothing that 2 man fighting for a woman ...but it is such a fairytale, if only I can be so lucky to be "fought for" (for talents) by rich people ...haha
I am captivated by some scenes in the cliplink below. It is so touchy and endearing, and the acting, I feel is superb by all.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


A nice ex-colleague is arranging a gathering with me and some ex-colleagues.
This is like a 'every half year affair' to 'stay in touch' since I left 2 years back.
While it seems fine, I am fearful that one day, such gathering will die off ....
I recalled the much earlier days CPFB ... People leave, they will be forgotten!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Ouch Ouch car door was scratched as my dearie wife drove unattentively against the wall in a shopping centre....I hope the repair costs would not cost her a bomb. I get agitated cos the monies, otherwise, could have been better spent on children's education ....sob.

Love for Canto

Many people may not know that I have a secret liking for cantonese songs ...cos they are just sung so beautifully by the ever-talented artistees such as the late Anita Mui, Hacken Lee, Eason Chan, Leo Ku...Edmund Leung is certainly one of my favourites ...just that he may not have the luck as others to 'make it big' ....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

K Dance Song - Sorry Sorry

I am not a korean pop fan ...but for sure, this song / MTV caught my attention today at GIANT.
Wow, these sleek moves by these young men ..... did anyone see 'me' inside the video .... haha...if only I had taken up dancing in my young days.... haha

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Time is here

My sixth sense has somehow alerted me that the time has come ... for a change.
There should be no more pull factor ...