Saturday, April 23, 2011

Can I be more 勇敢?

This is a very nice song ...I like it very much.
很多事情不是谁说了就算 即使伤心结果还是自己担
多少次失望表示着多少次期盼 事实证明幸福很难
我们之间不是谁说了就算 拉扯的爱徒增结局的难堪
一百次相爱只要有一次的绚烂 下一次会更勇敢

当冬夜渐暖 当大海也不再那么蓝
当月色的纯白变得阴暗 那只是代表快乐不再那么简单
那只是因为悲伤从来 都不会有答案

Sunday, April 17, 2011


April is the usual time of the year where the Mediacorp celebrities get recognised, I usually get very excited cos, I wish I was could be there and being one of them. As I grow older, I learn to be on terms with it - I know it is getting harder to fulfill this dream of mine, though nothing is impossible thou. Sometimes, I also thought that I am so silly to harbour such childish dreams but again, don't we all need dreams/goals to keep us going in life? While I used to vote for the celebrities, now I don't anymore - cos, I know this dollar of vote can be put to better use. Maybe, I am really getting wiser.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Crossed X

I am keeping my fingers crossed for a possible 'breakthrough'.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

8 days of silence

Have been busy doing a report ... and thus, 8 days of silence...also, good to be quiet for a while. Hoping that with a clearer mind, I can tread the path ahead more confidently.

Friday, April 1, 2011


That's the catch phrase my OM says ... It sounds relief but the process of waiting and praying that everything 'shun shun' till 7pm is not easy. What if ... What if ... Imagine the doings of 2,000 young ones ... to them, they may not know the consequences, the responsibilities that I have to bear....*shudder* Time to go.


April is here. No April's Fool joke thou cos the mood in me is blue. Almost 3 years in the job. Most people would have settled in or would have left if they do not like it. But I am still here.