Saturday, January 10, 2009

So Busy

I am still alive and kicking ...just that I have been so swarmed with work since school much so that I wished I hadn't made this move in the first place.... Somehow, I felt constrained too...and I missed the first days of my boy's orientation in school. Sad rite?
I hope that the days ahead will be smoother and everyone in the family will be healthier - my girl was not so well for a while liao...I think the virus is still in the air. My house was short-circuited on 1 Jan ...and my mobile modem was konked off. And thus, I now have to beg my wife to allow me to use her laptop to connect to a new mobile modem to surf the net. Pathetic rite? Also, I can only update my blog once a week liao lor.
Next year is going to be a tough year for confirmed by most/one FS master. Everyone has to work hard and longer hours...afterall, it is the ox year. Again, to improve luck and enjoy good wealth, do wear red/pink top on 26 Jan (first day of CNY) and 4 Feb....for the latter, do remember to bank in some $$ or cheque to your bank account.
More importantly, everyone has to stay positive and watch the year 'go by'.

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