Saturday, October 10, 2009


I am grateful and thankful for the 2 recent opportunities where I get to bond / play with my son...1) during his school's lower primary sports day where I 'managed' to attend... they had a last segment where the parent/child need to move from one point to another point with one leg-tied to each other. 2) i brought him to his classmate's b/day party today while my wife is at home with the girl having tuition.
Sometimes, this may seem trivial to others, but to me, these are beautiful moments that I cherish. He can be quite mischievous at times and worse, he actually failed his CL CA2 test, I almost fainted 'expectedly'...anyway, hope he will wise up when he grows up...cos he has been uttering that he wish he can be in K2 forever and he hates school.... Thus, teachers play an important role in motivating young children, and we parents have to do our bit.
On hindsight, it is easier to be parents than having to face parents (in my job)... I am actually tired of it and hope that I can move out (soon).

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