Friday, December 18, 2009

Leave Forfeited!

Had been working for the past 1 week - 5days week, will be my turn to take leave but I will still have to go back to do some 'admin' stuff...sigh.....can't really be 'off the job' during annual leave...sigh!
Infact, my first time in my life, i am forfeiting 1 day of my leave from the previous year cos I cannot finish clearing it ...and thatz only 20 days carried over ....GOSH!
How am I gonna clear my 28 days of leave next year? sigh...... I am quite determined to take leave during term time liao ...dun care ...else, sure lugi. Anyway, maybe, if lady luck is with me, I can even 'cruise the world' if I get my hands on 'something I fancy'!

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