Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Every job comes with responsibilities. Varying thou.
Mine is somewhat heavy. I felt. In my over 10 years of career. Why?
Cos I am responsible for more than 2000 lives.
I am awake at 6+am on a PH cos, a group of teachers and pupils are returning after a 7-day trip to China. I am the key liaison here. Have been praying that things go well etc...which is certainly beyond my control, attending to parents' concerns (not much this round, luckily) etc....
I am not sure if this is what I want to do moving forward ...cos, a lot of things can be beyond our control and these days, things do happen and people are less forgiving for 'mistakes made'. Every year, I need to worry 4 times for overseas trip and everyday for the day-to-day running.
I know I am tired but I may / likely to stay on for another year cos next year is not a good year for me and I should lie low. But for sure, I am well-supported by my colleagues thou.

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