Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Song 3 [Chinese] : 老鼠爱大米

This song needs no introduction as it captured the world by its popularity and topping the hits/karaoke charts. Many singers have done their renditions...each has their strength. A simple love song with analogy to how "mice love rice".

我听见你的声音 有种特别的感觉
让我不断想 不敢再忘记你
我记得有一个人 永远留在我心中
如果真的有一天 爱情理想会实现
我会加倍努力好好对你 永远不改变
不管路有多么远 一定会让它实现
我会亲亲在你耳边 对你说 (对你说)
我爱你爱着你 就像老鼠爱大米
不管有多少风雨 我都会依然陪着你
我想你想着你 不管有多么的苦

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